無印良品【オリジナルブレンド コーヒー ミディアムテイスト】





MUJI's coffee beans have been renewed. As an initiative to support coffee farmers, the blend is made from some beans that are out of export standards due to their small size. Only the Brazilian beans are out of specification. The lineup is as follows.

Light Taste" for a morning wake-up drink
A medium taste to refresh you for the day
A relaxing afternoon drink "Dark Taste

This time I purchased the medium taste. It is a good blend with a strong Ethiopian aroma and not biased toward any particular flavor. I can't say for sure until I see the dark taste, but there are fewer flaws than I expected. Although there is some astringency, I think the price is pretty great considering that it is priced at 750 yen for 200 grams.

I think UCC used to make this blend, but this blend was manufactured by Ogawa Coffee. I would like to try other blends of this one.